In the era of globalization, disruptive technological change, School of Management, Techno India University, West Bengal is nurturing the norms to win and discover new dimensions of doing things successfully. The courses under School of Management has the core objective of acclimatizing the young aspirants to a career in various secondary and tertiary capacities of manufacturing and service providing organizations. The School of Management is a stalwart organization nurturing knowledge, skills and talent in the arena of business development, corporate governance, research, leadership etc. Our main purpose is to encourage the creation of ideas that are responsible for an ethical, progressive, conscious and prosperous society, which is the hallmark of true advancement and civilization. We create and nurture leaders and managers for tomorrow. Stop managing your time, start managing your career professionally.
Business Management is primarily about running a business or organization with competence and the study of management involves learning how to assemble people to achieve desired objectives optimizing resources at hand in a proficient manner. Management constitutes Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading or Directing and running an organization for attaining a specific goal. An aspirant of Business Management can opt for specialization in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Financial Accounting and Systems.
Techno India University, West Bengal is committed to imparting quality value based education and transforming its students into dynamic, socially perceptive and responsible citizens as well as excellent professionals for accomplishing personal, organizational and social goals. Techno India University, West Bengal firmly believes that quality management is quintessential and ensures improvement of the academic system through a meticulous process of continuous appraisal and supervision. This is one of the primary reasons behind the institution’s 35+ years of academic excellence.
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